A Beginners Guide To Outdoor Advertising for local businesses

A Beginners Guide To Outdoor Advertising

In this Beginners Guide To Outdoor Advertising we highlight everything that you need to know about this way to advertise. If you’re outside you’re immediately exposed to all sorts of outdoor advertising. This ranges from bus shelters to huge billboards. Have you ever thought about outdoor advertising for your business?.  Amplify Outdoor offers a quick an easy process when booking billboard advertising. Find out if this is the right choice for you by reading this informative beginners guide to outdoor advertising.

What is Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising targets consumers when they are out of their homes. It complements broadcast, print or online advertising very well. Furthermore, It reaches consumers while they are on the go.

Outdoor Advertising is very flexible and reaches a specific audience based on their travelling habits. Businesses of all sizes can utilise the urban landscape in a creative way to promote their message across a variety of forms:

  • Firstly, Billboards – both traditional and digital billboard advertising.
  • Street Furniture – bus shelters, telephone kiosks and rubbish bins.
  • Transit Advertising – Buses, Trains, Taxis and the underground.
  • Finally, Alternative Formats – Bikes, Petrol Pumps etc etc.

Outdoor advertising generally has a favourable reception. It can reach both a target audience of a specific service and a more general audience building a brand’s visibility and attracting new customers. For example, a roadside billboard can entice a wide range of enquiries from wealthy tourists and high earning professionals to families and youngsters.

beginners guide to book an outdoor advert

Why Use Outdoor Advertising?

In today’s digital age, it’s never been harder to grasp the attention of a potential customer. Large amounts of  information are thrown at people everyday through different channels. This forces people to carefully select what information they digest.

An outdoor advertisement placed in a strategic location engages with thousands of individuals in a non-intrusive manner. Brands get displayed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s also an efficient way to target specific audiences.

Outdoor advertising is an effective way to reach new customers, because, unlike print or television, it cannot simply be skipped or turned off.  You can take advantage of the time people spend waiting in traffic, using public transport or just simply commuting.

Idle people waiting for the bus or gazing through their car window are easier to engage with and more willing to offer you their undivided attention. Billboards are a visual medium and have a significantly larger scale than the print or online medium. Therefore, outdoor advertising demands attention. In other words, it helps small businesses to create a brand within the local area.

guide a local business to outdoor advertising

How Do I advertise outdoors?

An outdoor advertising campaign is flexible and easy to create. It requires little editorial efforts.  You don’t need a big budget in order to take advantage of this high impact advertising format. With Amplify you can buy the exact number of billboards you need, The exact locations that you need. You can pick and choose between a wide range of billboard advertising sites in locations that would work best for your company.

If you have never advertised before, Don’t worry. We offer a simple process to booking outdoor advertising space. This enables companies to book the right space to target the right audience. Everything is done with our local team, making it a simple and quick process.  All you need to do is:

  • Firstly, Tell us your target audience. This helps us locate and understand their travelling patterns.
  • Secondly, Choose the right outdoor advertising format for your business. – Bus stops, phone Kiosks or billboard advertising.
  • Use a clear message. Use an image led design.
  • Call us so we can book the right advertising space for you.
  • Design your artwork from the specifications that we provide.
  • If needed, We can take care of the advert design.

Amplify Outdoor can offers tailored advice for your business. We make the whole booking process as smooth and easy as possible. We even keep track of your artwork deadlines in order for your advert to be placed on time.

Finally, Thank you for reading our beginners guide to outdoor advertising. Please get in touch on  matt@amplifyoutdoor.co.uk / 01202 670687 / 07557 373483

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